Reduce sick leave

Krankenstand in der Produktion senken: Strategien für gesunde und effiziente Arbeitsplätze Der Krankenstand in Deutschland stieg zuletzt stetig und erreichte in 2023 ein neues Rekordhoch. Laut DAK lag in 2023 die durchschnittliche Ausfalldauer je Arbeitnehmer bei ca. 20 Tagen. Speziell im produzierenden Gewerbe liegt die Ausfalldauer sogar bei knapp 25 Tagen. Deutschlandwandweit entstanden zuletzt aufgrund […]

Optimize employee utilization

Optimize employee utilization

Optimize employee utilization: How to increase efficiency and productivity despite a shortage of skilled workers In many companies, optimal employee utilization is a decisive factor for success. Especially in times of skills shortages and fluctuating volumes, it is more important than ever to make efficient use of available resources. How can employee utilization be improved without risking overwork or [...]

Digital twin

In an increasingly digitalized world, the digital twin plays a central role. But what exactly is behind this term and why is it considered so revolutionary? In this blog post, we explain what a digital twin is, how it is used and why it will play a key role in shaping the future of the industry. What is a digital twin? [...]