BiSOP - Development of a hand exoskeleton for use in the operating theater

Overview Overall project: Development of a hand exoskeleton for use in the operating room Sub-project imk Industrial: Ergonomics analysis and modeling of an operating room simulation model Funding body:Sächsische Aufbaubank - Förderbank - SAB Funding code:7QNHNDVKS Duration:01.08.2024 - 31.07.2027 Motivation In view of an aging population and the increasing proportion of older professionals in the medical field, the need for technologies that support the work ability and health of medical professionals is becoming increasingly [...].

DuSwap - Development of a dual stacking concept and hydrogen-free test scenarios

Overview of the overall project: Realization of a high-rate capable stacking process with the four sub-projects automated dual stacking, process monitoring, low-hydrogen testing and disassembly and repair of stacks. Sub-project imk (TP11): Digital planning of scalable hybrid disassembly workstations Design and development of planning methods for the (semi-)automatic planning and adaptation of the disassembly of stacks and their implementation in a software-based demonstrator (ema disassembly & ema MRK module). [...]

Innovation Assistant Virtual Reality

Overview By hiring an "innovation assistant" through the STEM specialists funding program, we want to expand our technological lead in the field of human work simulation and supplement it with the use of VR (virtual reality) in the context of 3D production planning. Funding body:Sächsische Aufbaubank - Förderbank - SAB with funds from the European Social Fund Plus Funding code:100685615 Duration:01.04.2023 - 31.03.2026 Project content Since 2002 [...]

Digital Exonomics - Digital work design and ergonomics assessment for the application of industrial exoskeletons.

Overview Exploration of methods to investigate & evaluate exoskeletons using markerless motion capture and 3D human models for virtual planning of manual work processes. Funding source:BMBF Funding code:01IS21025 A-D Duration:10.09.2021-29.02.2024 Project content In recent years, the use of exoskeletons in industry has increased significantly. These ergonomic tools are worn directly on the body and are designed to assist employees in physically demanding tasks [...]

SOPHIA - Socio-Physical Interaction Skills for Cooperative Human-Robot Systems in Agile Production

Overview Development of robotic technologies to improve human comfort and trust in automation in hybrid human-robot manufacturing environments. Funding source: European Commission, Call H2020-ICT-2019-2/2019-2023 Grant reference: 871237 Duration: 01.12.2019 - 30.11.2023 Project content Collaborative robotics has established itself as a fundamental design tool for adaptable and flexible production structures. It contributes to the sustainable improvement of the competitiveness of companies, the reorientation [...]

H2Giga - Technology development for series production and upscaling of electrolysers

Overview The H2Giga lead project aims to enable the serial production of electrolysers. Funding source: Grant from the Special Energy and Climate Fund Commissioned by: Federal Ministry of Education and Research Grant number: 03HY125I Duration: 01.06.2021 to 31.03.2025 Project content Based on the current state of the art, in which water electrolysis has already demonstrated technological maturity in operation, but is still [...]